1)  Listen and fill in the blanks:


NOTE: This dialog's audio is currently played by one person (me, Coleman!) doing two voices.


– I ni !
! I ni !
– Tana ma ?
si tɛ!
– Tana tɛ ?
– Tana si .

– Tana tɛ ?

– Tana si tɛ. Tana t'i ?
– Tana tɛ . Tana tɛ la?

! I ni ke.

– Nba!

2) Using the audio from above...


What time of day is it?





3) Using the audio from above...


What other person/people does the first person ask about?





4) Drag the boxes onto the matching gaps.
  • Amiina
  • wura
  • Ka
  • Ile
  • bɛn
  • tele
  • Ala
  • sɔɔma
  • don
  • kɛndɛ
  • ka
  • si
  • diya
  • N
  • An
  • tele
  • ma
  • si
  • la
  • dɔrɔn
SITUATION: Musa greets Badalan around 8am.


- MUSA: I ni !

- BADALAN: Nba! Tana ?

- MUSA: Hɛrɛ !

- BADALAN: I ka ?

- MUSA: Tana tɛ! Ile ?

- BADALAN: kɛndɛ!

- MUSA: I moso don?

- BADALAN: Tana .

- MUSA: hɛrɛ siyaya!

- BADALAN: ! Ala ye bi !

- MUSA: Amiina! An .

- BADALAN: bɛn kɔ la.

5) Fill in the blanks.


SITUATION: Adama Kulubali greets Fatu Tarawele around noon. Fatu was absent for a while, so he hasn't seen her in a few days.


- ADAMA: I ni !

- FATU: ! I ni tele!

- ADAMA: ! I ni !

- FATU: Nse! I ni ke!

- ADAMA: Nba! Tarawele!

- FATU: Nse! I !

- ADAMA: I ni sɛnɛ!

- FATU: !

- ADAMA: ye tele hɛrɛ siyaya!

- FATU: ! Ala duwau minɛ!

- ADAMA: !

- FATU: !

- ADAMA: An bɛn wura !

6) You have been given the number of a market seller by a friend, but you forgot the seller's name. Write them a text message and do the following:

  • Greet them
  • Ask about their day
  • Ask about their wife
  • Introduce yourself
  • Get their first and last name
  • Say goodbye
  • Give an appropriate benediction

NOTE: Your response will not be saved or graded; copy and paste it somewhere if you care to! Alternatively, try the supervised version.

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