17.3 test for bootcamp

1) Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Текссти окуп туура жооп тандаңыз.

Boot camp


Sixteen-year-old Melissa arrives at 'boot camp', but she doesn't want to be here. Boot camp is not for holidays. Teenagers come to stay here when they have got problems. And Melissa has got serious problems. She doesn't do any work at school. She just wants to go out with her friends all night, and drink and take drugs. She is very difficult at home. She argues with her mum all the time and shouts at her. Her mother can't help her but she hopes that boot camp can. Boot camp is a difficult place to be. There are lots of rules. This boot camp is in the middle of the Arizona desert. It's a ranch, and there are lots of animals. The young people have to get up early every morning. They have to help on the ranch for two hours. Then they have a good breakfast. At least the food here is nice. After breakfast, they usually do their schoolwork until lunchtime. After lunch they have to do more work on the ranch. In the evenings they do their homework and write letters home. It's boring and hard work at boot camp. Melissa hates everything, and is rude and difficult. But every afternoon, after the ranch work, they learn to ride a horse. At first, Melissa is scared, but later she begins to enjoy it. After two months, Melissa feels happier. She loves her horse, and her schoolwork is much better. She thinks about her mum a lot, and feels sorry for being so horrible to her. She wants to go home and go back to school. For Melissa and hundreds of teenagers like her, boot camp works. 

2) What is "boot camp"?




3) What problems does Melissa have?




4) When do the young people start work?




5) When do they do their schoolwork? 




6) How does Melissa feel about boot camp at first?




7) Melissa




8) How does Melissa feel after two months at boot camp?




9) Listen and correct the mistakes in sentences.

Угуп, сүйлөмдөрдөгү каталарды оңдоп жазыңыз.



1. There is about 800 students in the school.


2. We study about ten subject.



3. I like the biology and maths.



4. Lessons finish at half past three o'clock.


10) Speaking / Сүйлөө


Ask your peer about your school.

Шеригиңизден өзүңүздүн мектебиңиз жөнүндө сураңыз.


1. the number of students at the school.

2. your favorite subject and why

3. the timetable - when lessons start and finish, break times.



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