Dragons' Den — Gift Card Converter

Gift Card Converter is a marketplace that brings buyers and together. Through our website, customers can buy gift cards discounted rates, sell their unwanted cards, trade cards with other users, and cards to charity. And we’re the first company in the UK offer this dedicated service.

OK, so what the market? In 2009, over £1 billion of gift cards were within the UK. 20 and 25 per cent of those gift cards unused. That’s a whopping 200 to 250 million pounds sitting in wallets, purses, and sock drawers the UK. We want to help consumers these gift cards. With an average card value of £30 gift card, we anticipate there are about 8  customers in the UK.

We need the money to ramp our marketing effort, which is going to focus internet marketing via page and affiliate commission-based activity. , we need the cashflow to introduce a fifth element to the website, where we actually buy cards directly customers and then sell them .

We want to make Gift Card Converter the place to buy, sell, donate, and trade unwanted gift cards. Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions, please fire .

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