speakout U 2nd Unit 1 New things 1.2

1) 1 (made my) amcuthsnotr

2 orevthoonme  

3 nigaskh (like a leaf)

4 (wish the earth would) allswemouwp

5 darkaww

6 livedeer

7 safoteudorc (my wits)

8 gnicafsatin

9 radtsfruet

10 seedprism

2) 1 My audition was terrible. I was so anxious I was .

2 You look totally disgusted. You look like your . They're only oysters!

3 I find volcanoes really . I've read lots of books on the topic.

4 I lost mu place in the middle of giving the presentation. It was really embarrassing - I just wished me up.

5 We went to Cairo to see the exhibition, but it was closed. I was really .

6 My wife came into the shop when I was buying her some perfume. It was quite and I had to hide what I was doing.

7 Seiji had been missing for hours, so his parents were enormously when they found him safe and sound.

8 When the plane started bumping up and down I was . I was really frightened. I thought we were going to die.

9 You have a great singing voice. I'm really .

10 I was quite worried about the test yesterday. I thought I'd failed it, so I was to find out that I'd got top marks.

3) Which of the sentences in Question 3 contain modifiers (quite, totally, etc.) that can be replaced by very?











4) Listening file






Listen again and pick the correct answer.


1 What did the first client want?

2 Why does Owen Winters find his job at Dreams Come True easy?

3 What is the secret about the supersonic flight?


4 How did the person with Tom Cruise make-up feel about the experience?

5 What happened to the woman who wanted to go into space?

5) 1 Is there something you (always want) to do but somehow (never manage) to?

2 Not long ago our company (have) a client who (want) to be a rock star.

3 I (work) as a production manager in the film business for many years, till just a few years ago.

4 How much (the concert / cost) last year? (the cost / go up) since then?

5 What other dreams (you / make) come true recently?

6 We (just finish) working with a client who wants to fly across the Atlantic Ocean on a supersonic aeroplane.

7 One client wanted to fly in space but that wasn't possible back when she first (request) it.

8 Since then it (become) possible for ordinary people to go into space.

6) speak - forget - leave - happen - not ask - be (x2) - get back - see - have (x2) - stay - go


1 A: anyone my pen?

B: What does it look like?

A: It's silver. I'm sure I it on the table before we to lunch.


2 A: you to Kiera today?

B: No, and I her yet if she wants to come out with us tomorrow.


3 A: Hi, Suzie. When you from holiday?

B: A few days ago but I already it. There over 300 emails in my inbox!

A: I sympathise! The same thing after my break.


4 A: Do you know anyone who the flu?

B: No, thankfully. What about you?

A: Frank away from school last week as one of the other kids a fever, but it was a false alarm.

B: Yes, so far everyone in my family OK.

7) 1 is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. (Benjamin Franklin, US President) ANGRY


2 The chief enemy of is "good" sense. (Pablo Picasso, artist) CREATIVE


3 There is no such think as pure pleasure; some always goes with it. (Ovid, poet) ANXIOUS


4 Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of : photography is a moment of and a lifetime of pleasure. (Tony Benn, politician) EMBARRASSED


5 There can be no deep where there is not deep love. (Martin Luther King Jr, civil rights activist) DISAPPOINTED


6 If I ever completely lost my I would be frightened half to death. (Paul Lynde, actor) NERVOUS


7 Prayer is not an old woman's idle . Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action. (Mahatma Gandhi, leader and activist) AMUSED


8 Men lose more conquests by their own than by any virtue in the woman. (Ninon de L'Enclos, writer) AWKWARD


9 A life of is inevitable for any coach whose main enjoyment is winning. (Chuck Noll, American football coach) FRUSTRATED

1 attempt remaining



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