The child is not able to see from another's point of view, either psychologically or physically. This is called centrationegocentrismirreversibility and is characteristic of the preoperationalconcrete operationalformal operational stage.
The child is able to plan a series of coordinated movements in order to get what he wants. This is called object permanencesymbolic thoughtgoal-directed behaviour and first appears in the sensorimotorconcrete operationalpreoperationalformal operational stage.
Children first become capable of logically dealing with the concepts of time, number and space in the formal operationalpreoperational stageconcrete operational stage.
Children or teenagers who are able to solve the pendulum problem by isolating variables show the kind of haphazardsystematic and concretelogical thinking that is characteristic of the concrete operational stageformal operationalpreoperational stage.
Children who display the ability to complete these three tasks are able to conserve (a) numbermassvolume, (b) volumemassnumber and (c) volumenumbermass. This suggests that they can mentally rewind a process, which is called decentrationirreversibilityreversibility, and also take into account more than one aspect of a problem in order to solve it. This is called decentrationcentrationegocentrism. These skills, according to Piaget, are characteristic of the sensorimotorformal operational stageconcrete operational stage.
Children or teenagers who can mentally simulate a range of complex future possibilities in a speculative situation are displaying the capacity of reversiblehypotheticalconcrete thought, which is characteristic of the preoperationalconcrete operational stageformal operational stage.